Now lemme get this straight," she said in a throaty, nasal voice. "You put the lime in the cocanut and drink 'em both up--whoa, long faces. What am I interrupting? - Lauren Kate
One day, our love will conquer this dark circle. That's worth everything to me - Lauren Kate
In this lifetime you're nothing more than you appear to be: a stupid, selfish, ignorant, spoiled little girl who thinks the world lives or dies on whether she gets to go out with some good-looking boy at school...I'd still relish this moment...killing you. - Lauren Kate
I will wait for you as long as it takes. I will love you every moment across time. - Lauren Kate
The voice sank through luce's skin and straight into her heart. Daniel's voice. He was calling to her. He wanted her. Needed her. Luce moved towards the sound - Lauren Kate
Rule number 2 - don't listen to me!" Arriane laughed, "I'm certifiably insane! - Lauren Kate
i"ll always catch you when you fall." -Daniel ,, torment - Lauren Kate
I will alway catch you when you fallDaniel Grigori.Fallen - Lauren Kate
Arianne had her feet up on the table, wearing a striped conductor's cap.Arriane was fixated on the game. A chocolate cigar bobbed between her lips as she contemplated her next move. Roland was giving Arianne the hawk eye."Checkmate, bitch," Arianne said triumphantly, knocking over Roland's king. - Lauren Kate
Fight for the only thing she knew was good enough, noble enough, powerful enough to be worth risking everything... Love. - Lauren Kate
Silence is what causes most of humanity's problems - Lauren Kate